Students are expected to be present at all class sessions of the courses. Each student is required to sign in and out in the student log book with their time. Students attend once a week for 5 hours. Students who miss 5 hours must cover their missed hours during the following week. Any absences should be approved by the instructor as soon as possible, if not prior.
1. Students who accumulate absences of more than 20% of the scheduled classes, the course must be repeated to be eligible for the following course in the program.
2. The school recognizes the following reasons for an excused absence: death in the immediate family, job-related interviews or testing (with approval of instructor and a maximum of 10 clock hours a year), physical for job placements, personal illness and inclement weather. Excused absences will be given an opportunity based on class availability, to make up the excused clock hours within the 8 weeks time frame of the course that the hours were missed.

3. Inclement weather is a normal part of life in Arkansas. Because of this, our policy is to follow the schedule for inclement weather of the Little Rock Public School District. However, if the student commutes some distance, JKAFS is concerned for the safety of its students so common sense should be used determine attendance during bad weather.(The instructor should be notified in a timely fashion)
4. School holidays shall not be considered as days of absence.
5. The school shall maintain an accurate record of attendance and absences.
6. Tardiness: A student will be counted tardy if 10 minutes late. Three tardies will equal one absence.
7. Early Departures: Must have been approved by Instructor prior to the student leaving the school building and must have a written slip stating reason for early departure and signed by both instructor and student. If not approved by the instructor, the early departure will count as a tardy. All excused early departure time must be made up with the approval and scheduling with the instructor to complete the hours required for the course within the projected course time frame. Early Departures due to weather will be excused and a time for making up those hours scheduled by the instructor.
8. Consecutive absences of 30 Days will result in a student’s withdrawal from the course, unless prior agreement of leave of absence was agreed upon.
1. A leave of absence may be granted for emergency situations such as a serious illness, debilitating injury, or death in the immediate family.
2. A student must submit a written request for a leave of absence in advance of the beginning date of the leave of absence, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. If a student does not request a leave of absence within a timeframe consistent with the institution’s consecutive absence policy, s/he must be withdrawn.
3. The student must sign and date the leave of absence request and specify a reason for the leave. The reason must be identified in order for the institution to have a reasonable expectation of the student’s return within the timeframe of the leave of absence as requested.
4. The student must attest to understanding the procedures and implications for returning or failing to return to his/her course of study.
5. JKAFS must document its approval decision relative to the leave of absence request in accordance with its published policy.
6. JKAFS will not assess the student any additional charges as a result of the leave of absence.
7. The length and frequency of leaves of absence must not impede student progress and must be reasonable within the context of the institution’s curriculum.
8. A leave of absence must be limited to a maximum of 180 calendar days in any 12-month period or one-half the published program length, whichever is shorter. Multiple leaves of absence may be permitted provided the total of the leaves does not exceed this limit. An approved leave of absence may be extended for an additional period of time provided that the extension request meets all of the above requirements, and the total length of the leave of absence does not exceed the specified limit.
All class time missed can be made up with the approval and scheduling by the instructor to complete the hours required for the course. Make-up work shall not be authorized for the purpose of removing an unexcused absence and must be completed within course scheduled time frame. All Make-ups will be comparable to the content, time, and delivery of the classes missed.
Class times are once a week for 5 hours
8:30am to 1:30pm, 1:30pm to 6:30pm, or 5:00pm to 9:00 pm,
Tuesday - Saturday.
Class sizes are limited to 8 students.
There will be no classes the week of Thanksgiving.
There will be no classes for two weeks at for the end of December and New Years. The exact dates will be announced by Jamileh Kamran.
Spring Break will occur in March. Exact dates will be announced by Jamileh Kamran.
Be professional to Visitors, Students, and Staff of the school.
Direct any questions about the lessons to an Instructor or Assistant Instructor.
In order to prevent distraction please keep side conversations to a minimum to minimize distractions.
Meet the Attendance policy, as described below.
Be on time for class, and no unexcused early departures.
Do not Report to school intoxicated or impaired.
Follow all safety rules set in place by the school. Students are encouraged to inform an instructor of unsafe conditions, accident or injury.
Use safe working methods always.
Student are expected to keep their work-space clean.
Student are expected to take proper care/use of school equipment.
Students are not allowed to use cell phones during class, unless otherwise told by the instructor.
However, if there is an emergency, a student can inform the instructor and be permitted access to
their phone.
Students are required to buy and wear a White Couture Coat after the start of Basic Design 001.
Students must be clean and well-groomed. Grooming styles dictated by religion and ethnicity aren’t restricted.
Clothes that are too revealing or inappropriate are not allowed.
All clothes must be in decent shape and comfortable as not to hinder a student’s ability and safety with the sewing machine and pressers.
Students must avoid clothes with printing that are offensive or inappropriate.
Due to safety hazards, shoes that fully cover the foot are required.
Excessive Perfumes and smoke will not be acceptable, because these may result in an allergic reaction by fellow students.
*Violators of the dress code may be asked to leave school until they fix the violation. The student
will be given a warning. After the third warning a student may be terminated by the school.
JKAFS will not tolerate on-site discrimination or harassment on any legally protected basis, including that of physical characteristics, mental characteristics, race, religious or political views, nationality, disability, medical condition, sex, sexual preference, or gender identification. Harassment and discriminatory behavior among students or instructors will result in disciplinary action, with the possibility of termination. Discrimination and harassment should be immediately reported to higher administration, at which point JKAFS will investigate and take corrective action.
Any Bullying or verbal abuse in class will not be tolerated and will be dealt with promptly. After private counseling, if the person does not correct that behavior, termination is possible.
JKAFS strictly forbid students from doing the following while at school:
Drinking alcohol
Selling, purchasing or using illegal drugs at school. An"illegal drug"is any drug that has not been obtained by legal means. This includes prescription drugs being used for non-prescribed purposes.
Possession of any non-prescribed controlled substance, including alcohol and legal illegally obtained prescription drugs.
JKAFS reserves the right to test students for substance abuse. Illegal drugs, illegal drug metabolites, or excessive alcohol in your system will result in a warning and the student being sent home. After the third offense the student can be terminated or take a medical leave of absence for rehabilitation.
JKAFS cares about the overall health and well-being of its students. Any student who feels that he/she
is developing a substance abuse problem is urged to seek help. JKAFS will grant medical leave of absence (within reason) for rehabilitation. Be advised, however, that this will not excuse a substance-related offense.
JKAFS does not allow weapons (ex. any firearms, knives with longer than a 4in blade) or explosives on campus. If it can’t go into an airport it can’t go to school.
Workplace Inspections
JKAFS has a responsibility to protect its students and its property. For this reason, JKAFS reserves the right to inspect the following, at any time, with or without notice:
Any personal possessions brought onto JKAFS premises, such as handbags, briefcases, and vehicles.
*All inspections are compulsory. Those who resist inspection may be denied access to JKAFS premises.
JKAFS will exact discipline for any unacceptable action or behavior. These may include:
Improper or indecent conduct, or dress
Uncooperative attitude
Abuse, perfunctory or unauthorized use, or unauthorized possession of JKAFS property.
Unauthorized use or disclosure of JKAFS lesson materials, or text books.
Possession and/or use of illegal drugs, weapons or explosives
Harassment and/or discrimination - of any kind
Disciplinary action may consist of verbal/written warnings, counselling, suspension or termination. JKAFS will handle each matter individually to ensure fairness to all involved.
If a student fails to meet the course cumulative 80% attendance or 70% grade average, Students will be notified in writing when they are placed on warning and the steps necessary to be removed from warning status. Students will also receive attendance or academic counseling, from Jamileh Kamran. Each evaluation period for student progress is the 4th and 8th week of each course to asses a students progress in each course. If a student has not meet the benchmark of completion and attendance by the end of a course, the student will be required to repeat that course on academic warning, if by the end of the retaken course the student is still failing to meet the benchmarks, the student will be required to retake the course again and then placed on academic probation. If after completion of the course on academic probation the student is still below benchmark they with be withdrawn from the program.
The Jamileh Kamran Arkansas Fashion School will notify a student in writing if he or she is being administratively withdrawn for unsatisfactory academic progress.
The student will be terminated from the JKAFS Fashion Study Program if a student is found in violation of any of the following:
Repeated uncooperative/ inappropriate attitude offenses
Illegal harassment and/or discrimination - of any kind
Destruction of school property
Possession and/or use of illegal drugs, weapons or explosives
Tampering with any safety devices on school property
Physical or sexual assault
Theft of other student, staff, and school property
Repeated offenses of violations of student policies
When a student is terminated the school will provide the student with a written statement of the reason for termination.
The student may submit a written appeal of the dismissal within five calendar days of their receipt of the dismissal notice. The appeal must be accompanied by documentation of the mitigating circumstances that have prevented the student from attaining satisfactory academic progress and evidence that changes have occurred to allow the student to now meet standards of satisfactory academic progress. Extraordinary circumstances will be considered, such as death or severe illness in the immediate family. Before an appeal may be granted, a written academic plan must be provided to the student which clearly identifies a viable plan for the student to successfully complete the program within the maximum time frame allowed. Jamileh Kamran will assess all appeals and determine whether the student may be permitted to continue in school on a probation status. The student will be sent a written response within ten days of the Jamileh Kamran Arkansas Fashion School’s receipt of the appeal. The decision of Jamileh Kamran is final. Students reinstated upon appeal are on a probationary status till the end of course evaluation period, during which time they must meet the terms and conditions set out in the response letter granting the appeal. If the student does not meet the benchmarks the student will be fully withdrawn.
The Jamileh Kamran Arkansas Fashion School’s Fashion Study Program is 600 clock hours including the one elective course. Students can request at any time, a copy of their grades and progress sheets. Students will also receive a copy of their quarterly program report and review.
All students will be given a brief meeting with the instructor on the student’s week 5 class of the 10 week course. This meeting will let the student know how they are meeting the benchmarks of the course and to let the student know the areas they may need to work on. After the meeting the student will initial the course progress log to state that they are aware their progress.
The student is required to make measurable progress toward program completion. To be making satisfactory academic progress, a student must attend at least 80% of the scheduled course hours on a cumulative basis during each evaluation period of 10 weeks.
The student’s academic average is reviewed to determine progress. The minimum total grade requirement is 70% at the conclusion of a course.
Incomplete grades can be given, but must be cleared in time specified by instructor or course is failed. If the student retakes a course, the lowest overall course grade will be dropped and the highest overall course grade will be used to calculate the academic average. Course work repeated may adversely affect a student's academic progress in terms of the graduation date or maximum time frame.
Students who withdraw from the program will receive a grade of 0% in each course interrupted by the withdrawal. Interrupted courses must be repeated upon readmission to the Jamileh Kamran Arkansas Fashion School.
All program requirements must be completed within a maximum time frame of 1.5 times the normal program length, as measured in calendar time. (The selected fashion course 10 weeks in length, must be completed within 15 calendar weeks). Time spent on an approved leave of absence is not counted against the maximum time frame. Students exceeding the maximum time frame will be administratively withdrawn.
Students will be given the class-to-class criteria (they must complete and submit before the end of the course) within each course book they receive. Students will use the criteria as a checklist to stay on schedule in their Fashion Study program with the JKAFS. On Week 3 each student will turn in all course patterns that are drafted at home for homework, on Week 5 students must turn in a minimum of all cut and tailor tack course projects. Extra Credit projects will only be accepted if the student has fully completed all course assigned work. Extra Credit options addressed in every course book.
Instructors will spend 5-10 minutes at the during each class session to record the students’ progress in the course. During the 5-10 minutes, instructor must record what the student completed as homework and in-class work.
When an assignment is submitted past its deadline, there will a 10% deduction to the grade every week the assignment is late. If the assignment is submitted 10 weeks after the deadline, the student will receive 0%.
Grading Scale: GPA
A--------------- 90-100% 4.0
B-------------- 80-89% 3.0
C--------------- 70-79% 2.0
D-------------- 65-69% 1.0
Extra Credit Points are available for students who participate in specific school approved extracurricular activities.
Jamileh Kamran Arkansas Fashion School will give every student the opportunity to inspect and review his or her records within 14 days following its receipt of a request.
A student has the right to request that inaccurate or misleading information in his or her education records be amended.
While JKAFS is not required to amend records in accordance with a student's request, the school is required to consider the request. If the school decides not to amend a record in accordance with an student's request, the school must inform the student of his or her right to a hearing on the matter. If, after the hearing, the school still decides not to amend the record, the student has the right to insert a statement in the record setting forth his or her views. That statement must remain with the contested part of the student's record for as long as the record is maintained.
A minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00, or 70%/100%, and a minimum attendance of 80% is required for graduation. Additionally, the student must complete the Graduation Project. This graduation project is defined as thus:
Student must submit Fourteen Designs (Outfits) to JKAFS one week before graduation. Ten of these Designs (Outfits) must be from the Fashion Study Program course work. Four of the fourteen completed new Designs (Outfits) must have been Sketched, Tailored, and Created by the student without the help of the instructors.
A diploma is awarded upon graduation. A Formal Graduation Fashion Show Celebration Ceremony will be held with a minimum of 7 graduating Students.
All complaints may be verbally addressed to the instructor or may be submitted to the Jamileh Kamran in writing. JKAFS is licensed by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE). If a student wishes to file a grievance, they may submit it to ADHE:
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
432 Main Street, Suit 400
Little Rock, AR 72201
Responses from JKAFS will be within one working day and resolved within 10 working days.(with exceptions of extenuating circumstances) Complaints and resolution will be documented in the schools file and the complainants file.
This institution is recognized by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) as meeting and maintaining certain standards of quality. It is the mutual goal of ACCET and the institution to ensure that educational training programs of quality are provided. When issues or problems arise, students should make every attempt to find a fair and reasonable solution through the institution’s internal complaint procedure, which is required of ACCET accredited institutions and frequently requires the submission of a written complaint. Refer to the institution’s written complaint procedure which is published in the institution’s catalog or otherwise available from the institution, upon request. Note that ACCET will process complaints which involve ACCET standards and policies and, therefore, are within the scope of the accrediting agency. In the event that a student has exercised the institution's formal student complaint procedure, and the problems or issues have not been resolved, the student has the right and is encouraged to take the following steps:
1. Complaints should be submitted in writing (by email or mail) to the ACCET office. Complaints received by phone will be documented, but the complainant will be requested to submit the complaint in writing. 2. The letter of complaint must contain the following information: a) Name and location of the ACCET institution; b) A detailed description of the alleged problem(s); c) The approximate date(s) that the problem(s) occurred; d) The names and titles/positions of all individual(s) involved in the problem(s), including faculty, staff, and/or other students; e) What was previously done to resolve the complaint, along with evidence demonstrating that the institution's complaint procedure was followed prior to contacting ACCET; f) The name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address of the complainant. If the complainant specifically requests that anonymity be maintained, ACCET will not reveal his or her name to the institution involved; and g) The status of the complainant with the institution (e.g. current student, former student, etc.).
3. In addition to the letter of complaint, copies of any relevant supporting documentation should be forwarded to ACCET (e.g. student’s enrollment agreement, syllabus or course outline, correspondence between the student and the institution).
4. SEND TO: ACCET CHAIR, COMPLAINT REVIEW COMMITTEE 1722 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: (202) 955-1113 Email: complaints@accet.org Website: www.accet.org Note: Complainants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 15 days.